Mountainside Criminal Defense Attorney

Mountainside Criminal Defense Attorneys

If you have been pulled over in Mountainside and were written a ticket for Driving While SuspendedLeaving the Scene of an AccidentReckless Driving or Driving without Insurance then you are facing serious penalties such as loss of your license, points on your license, hefty fines, and even county jail. This is why it is important that hire an experienced lawyer with knowledge of the court system. William Proetta Criminal Law is a Union County Law Firm that exclusively represents clients for criminal, DWI, and traffic charges. If you would like to speak with a Mountainside criminal lawyer please give us a call at (908) 838-0150 or make an appointment at our office.

Mountainside Court Contact Information

The Mountainside Municipal Court is located at 1385 Route 22 East, Mountainside NJ, 07092. Mountainside holds court Thursdays at 9:00 a.m., with the exception of the second week of the month when court is held on Wednesday at 5:00 p.m. Mountainside Municipal Court maintains regular operating hours during the week Monday thru Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Judge James DeRose hears all the criminal and traffic cases in Mountainside Municipal Court. If you cannot make your court date and would like an adjournment it is strongly recommended that you contact the court at (908) 232-5335 several days beforehand and speak with the court administrator, Vivian J. Hoff. The municipal court prosecutor is Frank Sahaji, Esq. and he will represent the interests of the state in the case against you. To learn more about the municipal court process including how to postpone your case or pay fines online then visit the Mountainside Municipal Court website.

Directions to Mountainside Municipal Court

Mountainside, New Jersey

Mountainside is a peaceful upper middle class borough that has a moderately busy court which is attributable to Rt. 22 that runs through the borough and I-78 which borders the borough to the north. Mountainside is a small borough in Union   County, New Jersey with a population of about 6,685 and a total size of about four square miles. The borough is constantly ranked one of best places to live in New Jersey. Unlike most towns along Route 22, Mountainside has zoning that does not allow for much commercial development adjacent to the freeway. This is in furtherance with the borough’s quiet, wealthy suburban environment. For more information feel free to visit the borough’s official website at

Mountainside New Jersey Defense Lawyers

William Proetta Criminal Law has the experience necessary to provide an aggressive defense to any client arrested for, charged with, or under investigation for Simple AssaultTheft of Movable PropertyDisorderly Conduct, or Possession of Marijuana. Our firm has the versatile ability to use our negotiation skills to work with the municipal prosecutor to have your charges reduced or dismissed altogether. And in the alternative, use our experience to put forth a strong and aggressive defense at trial if a plea cannot be reached. It is important that you fully understand your rights and what options you have before you make any decisions. Call our Mountainside Office at (908) 838-0150 to speak with a criminal defense lawyer free of charge who will answer your questions and address your concerns.