Category: Criminal Process

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed if you’re going through a divorce and have a domestic violence charge hanging over your head. The stakes are high – a single misstep could have life-changing consequences for you and your family. But you’re not in this alone. A New Jersey domestic violence divorce attorney can protect your rights […]

The testimony of victims and eyewitnesses can be pivotal in a New Jersey criminal case. But sometimes, victims choose not to testify. What does it mean for your case if a victim refuses to testify? Below, the defense team at William Proetta Criminal Law explains the rules regarding victim and witness testimony in the New […]

You sit down with a friend to lunch at a restaurant and sit outside on the patio. The two of you catch up on the latest in your lives, including your divorce and custody battle. You confide in your friend that your children do not want to visit with their father. You further disclose that […]

Although a prison sentence is sometimes considered necessary for individuals who have been charged with crimes, the reality is that spending time in prison often leads to recidivism, and a lot of people can benefit from a criminal justice system that emphasizes treatment and rehabilitation over punishment and incarceration. The Veterans Diversion Program (VDP) exists so that […]

For any acts that prevent an officer from making an arrest or conducting police work, state law, local law, and other related laws may pertain to the same actions, compounding penalties. In New Jersey, interfering with police work can come in many forms, though typically not by mere words. So, when you witness an arrest […]

Lawyers that Defend Juvenile Clients Waived into Adult Court in Middlesex County, NJ New Jersey’s tough-on-crime laws punish adults to the degree their social breach warrants. The more heinous the crime, the worse the punishment. Thus, first degree crimes like murder, aggravated sexual assault, armed robbery, kidnapping, and other violent crimes, pertain to those considered most […]

In the eyes of the law in New Jersey, not all prisoners are alike. True, they all serve time for criminal convictions, but the variability of crimes, circumstances, criminal history, and individual characteristics means not everyone in prison is seen in the same way. In essence, the state operates such that public safety concerns are […]

Failed to Appear in Court in Middlesex County NJ? One of the biggest mistakes that a person can make when it comes to the New Jersey legal system is erroneously believing that they do not have to go to court for a scheduled proceeding. Failure to appear in court in NJ is a very big […]

Criminal Defense Attorneys Explain Benefits and Options with Plea Negotiations for Ocean County Criminal Charges If you’ve been charged with a crime in New Jersey, having a qualified criminal defense lawyer to negotiate a plea deal on your behalf may be your best chance to avoid the most severe penalties and stay out of jail. […]

When a person is charged with a crime in New Jersey, there is a certain process that needs to be followed before the case goes to trial. A criminal complaint is sent to the county prosecutor’s office, and the prosecutor then decides whether to move forward with the charges. For most serious crimes charged at […]